Wednesday, September 19, 2012


So, I've had my first post college "failing" as an adult.  Failing is in quotes there because the average human being wouldn't consider it failing, but I still can't help but feel guilty about it.  Today, I had to call out of work.  As we speak, I should be at work, but I'm not. I'm sick.
I had a fever all day yesterday and into last night.  This morning, I had a bit of a fever still, significantly less than yesterday, but decided to go ahead and call out of work. Considering that my job deals with a lot of food and the like, it was probably best for everyone, co-workers and customers alike, if I just stayed home and got some rest, really shook off the fever before returning to work. Rationally I know that it isn't my fault that I got sick, and I did call out with plenty of warning, and really it's probably best that I'm not acting as a typhoid Mary for this silly flu/cold thing that I've got.   But I can't help but feel guilty for not being there today.  And feeling guilty when I realize how much money I'm losing for not going to work, because I could use that money.  Grumble, Grumble. Pointless complaining. There's nothing I can do about it now.  I'm not at work today.  There are worse things in the world, and with any luck it will be forgotten after a manner of time. 
All right, enough of me whining.  I'm going to go take a nap or, I guess, just go to sleep. I've got to be fighting fit for tomorrow.  As sad as it sounds, tomorrow, it's Starbucks or bust.

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