Friday, November 2, 2012

More Adventures In People Watching--Post Hurricane Edition

There are a lot of really good things about working where I do. There are a lot of really bad things as well.  But both the best and the worst part of working is getting a glimpse into general human nature.
Due to Hurricane Sandy, my store has been out of power for almost a week now. Because of that, I've been working at different stores in the area as they try to deal with the increase in numbers.  A lot of people without power were coming in to use the outlets and the free wifi, and were drinking a lot of coffee because of it.  Over the past couple of days, I have witnessed some of the most uplifting and disheartening things in my relatively short life.
I saw a woman get so annoyed with having to wait in line that she swore at my co-worker trying to take her order, complained non-stop about our crappy service while I was trying to ring her out, and even tried to steal from our tip jar.
I saw another woman lend a family her iPod charger because two children were complaining that there wouldn’t be enough time to charge both of their iPods before they had to go home.
I saw a man unplug someone else’s computer to use the outlet, without asking or even looking around to see what he was unplugging.
I saw a man offer to pay for the two orders after him, because he was lucky enough to keep his power through the storm, and he knew the next two families in line had been without power for the last three days.
I had someone call me an idiot because I didn’t know their usual drink, even though they had never seen me before.
I had others thank me for driving out of my way to help out with other stores.
I don’t really have a conclusion to draw from all this.  I just find it fascinating.

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