Wednesday, January 23, 2013


For a variety of reasons, I collect quotes. Quotes from real people, quotes from books, quotes from movies, quotes from graffiti, anything that I find fascinating, interesting, funny or beautiful, I make a note of it, either mentally, or physically writing it down.  Over the years, I’ve developed quite a collection.
My College had a tradition of making senior robes, robes that were decorated in sometimes quite ridiculous ways, but designed to represent the wearer in their own unique ways.  I put a few key things on my robe to represent me—The Nickname ‘Moony’ and the phrase Mischief Managed from Harry Potter, The phrase “From this Place Go Build a Better World” from a stone at Geneva Point Center where I’ve attended Winni CFO since I was a baby, and a picture of a book, a laptop, and a remote control to display just how I spend my free time.
And then, in almost all of the remaining empty space, I wrote in quotes. I wrote 187 quotes on my robe, alternating colors between red, blue, and yellow, because those are Superman’s colors of course.  Early tonight, I shut my eyes and pointed at the quotes at random. I came up with the following:
“Youth cannot know how age thinks and feels. But old men are guilty if they forget what it was to be young.”
“I swear on my momma I will blow a hole through your bedroom and Spiderman out of the side of this building.”
“You can get just so much from a good thing
You can linger too long in your dreams
Say goodbye to the "Oldies But Goodies"
Cause the good ole days weren't always good
And tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems.”
The first is a quote from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, said by Dumbledore. The second is Leverage—Hardison in the episode titled “The Three Card Monte Job.”  The last is a section from the Billy Joel song “Keeping the Faith.”  Since those are the three I picked, they are the ones I’m actively thinking about, and that makes them my favorite quotes of the collection.  Ask me to do the same thing tomorrow, and I’ll think I was an idiot tonight, because clearly the three quotes I chose tomorrow are my favorite quotes.  I’ve never been very good at settling on a favorite.  They’re all good, and they all mean something.  That something will change from person to person, and from time to time, but Something is enough for me.

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