Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Thrill of Movies

So, I really like movies.  It’s almost an addiction, and probably something that I should get checked out, but I really, really do. And while I own plenty of DVDs, and more often than not will be found watching something in the dark of my room, nothing compares to going to the movie theater and watching a movie on the big screen.
This is a point that a lot of people will argue with me, actually.  I have heard arguments that range all over the board as to why going to the movies isn’t actually an enjoyable experience.  The most popular argument is that they are too expensive.  If I insist on being legal, I can be patient and see the exact same movie for a dollar and change at a Redbox in a couple months.  If I’m not worried about legality, I can see the same movie for free anytime I want. (Just for the record, I do insist on being legal if there is any way possible to get my hands on it legally.)  But for me, I’m not just paying to see the movie.  I’m paying to go and sit in a dark room, where I can’t do anything else, so I don’t have to worry about feeling guilty that I’m not multi-tasking.  I get to sink back into a comfy chair, and watch the story unfold, literally larger than life, surrounded by some of the best audio equipment that I will probably ever have access to, and get so wrapped up in the story that I lean so far forward in my chair that friends are afraid I’ll topple right out onto the floor.  The whole package is something that I can’t get for a dollar and some change out of the Redbox.
The second most popular argument is the one that I can agree with.  Other people ruin the experience.  In my own living room, bedroom, wherever I take a laptop with DVD capabilities, etc, I know who I am watching the movie with, and I have very few qualms about telling most of them to shut up or go away so I can see my movie.  You don’t have that luxury in a theater, where other paying guests might be rude, and theater employees might be too lazy to do anything about it.  Good ol’ Firefly taught us that there is a special level of hell for those who talk in the theater, and I would like to say, I think that texting is included in that.  My personal favorite “What are you doing?” moment was when a guy got a call from a friend, and answered the call without getting out of his seat.  After telling the friend on the other end of the line what movie he was seeing, he then preceded to describe what was happening in the movie with a running commentary for the next twenty minutes, not just at a normal speaking volume, but actually bordering on shouting.  Normally, I’m the first to be a pain when my movie experience is ruined, (a side effect of really enjoying those good experiences) but with this guy, I was just so stunned that was actually happening, I just started at the back of his head with my mouth open. Luckily, that was when I was working at the theater and could go and see the movie again for free, or else I would have been one very annoyed Rebekah.
But movie theaters  when done right and not filled with annoying people, are a magic that in some ways, I can’t believe actually exists.  Want a sure fire way to make me a happy camper?  Take me to a movie theater.

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