Wednesday, March 6, 2013


So, as you may have noticed—I've been extremely slack on posting here, with the exception of my Legal Theft with Gwen. I've come up with an excuse for that. I've somehow gotten it into my head that what gets posted here has to be something deep and meaningful and in some way really well written before I could even consider uploading it. I've had a nice long think about that and I've come to a simple conclusion.
Fuck that.
(Pardon my language.)
The truth of it all is that this blog is my creation. I can write whatever I want on here. If someone doesn't like it, doesn't find it to be deep and meaningful, then they can not read it. If they think it's not worthy of being on the internet, well, then I can send them to something equally if not more inane then anything I could possibly write up. If the general public doesn't understand, well, too bad, they don't have to read it.
So, this is me dedicating myself to actually posting again. Even if it's inane. Even if it's just me going on about something I read and liked (Warm Bodies). Even if it's me squeeing over a new show I'm enjoying (BBC's Sherlock) . Even if it's the slightly embarrassed admittance of my new Celebrity Crushes (Benedict Cumberbatch). Even if it's just me making a fool of myself. I'm re-claiming my blog to be mine.

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