Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Season of Secret Romances

Well, over the next five days you get to see just how bad my grammar is when left in its own form.  My in house editor, also known as my wonderful roommate, has gone to Baltimore to spend time with friends from college.  Now, you can see my true love for the commas, which are likely to be sprinkled all throughout these posts.  I apologize for that.

But that’s not the point of this post. The point of this post is to talk about a common misconception.  People seem to believe that spring is the season of love and romance and relationships.  I guess that might be true, but I can tell you right now that fall is the time of secret romances.
I have been back from Boston for exactly two days.  In those two days, I have been informed of three new relationships, four new engagements, one marriage, one elopement to be, and two pregnancies. Each of these was ended with some variation of “We are extremely excited about these developments, but we are trying to keep it quiet for now. Kindly keep this to yourself.”  I’m flattered that enough people consider me close enough to in the smaller circles of their life, but it’s boarding on insane.
I suppose I’m breaking the rules by writing about these relationships in my blog, but since there are SO MANY and I’m not naming any names, hopefully no one will get too upset with me. But, I mean, seriously.  Eleven. Yeah.
I don’t really have any desire to be in a relationship right now, and I certainly have no desire to be engaged, married, or pregnant.  But it’s certainly interesting to realize that in the grand scheme of things, I’m slowing becoming part of the minority of my friends. I will say one thing though—just because of the kind of person I am, I won’t be able to have a secret relationship, engagement, marriage, or pregnancy. When it happens, the whole world is going to know.

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