Monday, January 14, 2013

More Thoughts on the Future

Thinking about the future is a very bittersweet experience. On the one hand, there are a hundred thousand possibilities. Who knows where I'll be, what I'll have reached in a year. Two years. A decade.  I could go anywhere, be anything, and fulfill my wildest dreams.
But, by the very same token, I could get nowhere and do nothing.  I could work my ass off and still be sitting in the exact same spot in a year, two years, a decade.  Or worse, maybe worst, I'll lose motivation altogether.  I'll be in the same exact spot, because I gave up hope and I gave up trying.  The sad thing is I know myself well enough to know that it is not out of the realm of possibilities for me. Not by a long shot. 
The truth is, I don't know where I want to be in a year, two years, a decade.  I can't set out a plan, or dive head first towards a goal, because I don't know what that goal is.  I'm indecisive with the best of them and, although I hate to admit it, I am absolutely terrified of the unknown.  A friend’s blog posed an interesting question.  If you were present with a book that contain all of your life, every moment from life to death, and if you read one line you had to read them all, cover to cover, would you read it?  My answer would be an immediate and resounding yes.  I want to read it.  Would I regret that? Probably.  Probably immediately.   But I want to know. Almost more than anything, I want the future to stop being a mystery.

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