Sunday, September 23, 2012

SJEJ and Ashleigh

A year ago today, I sat in Bristol, VA, brimming with delayed teenage rebellion and the overwhelming desire to do something slightly stupid and highly permanent. After Ashleigh got out of classes, we were going to go together to get our first tattoos.  I had made the decision weeks prior, but even leading up to the moment, I was still trying to decide exactly what I was going to do.  The one thing I knew was that it was going to be related to my family.
See, it was half a joke at the time between Ashleigh and I, but we were going to run away to London. We were going to graduate, sell what we could, and then we would just go.  I wasn’t going to admit then just how serious I was about the idea, because I knew that if I revealed such a fact to Ashleigh, then she would make it happen.  After all, she was the one who got two fifteen year old girls to New York City for a movie premiere when neither girl had a job, or an allowance of any kind for that matter, all because we decided that we wanted to go stand and scream at a red carpet.   Ashleigh has that kind of power.  The only thing that made me hesitate was my connection to my family.  I didn’t want to leave them behind.  In fact, it’s actually been the hardest part of the past three and a half months, being so far away from my family.
In one way or another, my tattoo always contained four letters, SJEJ, which stood for Susan, Jay, Ethan, and Jessica.  I had to limit it to just my immediate family, or else the list would have gone far too long and not been at all practical. The location changed several times throughout the decision making process, including the morning of the 23rd.  The color of the tattoo changed while I was sitting in the chair, literally two minutes before needle hit skin.  Ashleigh made faces at me while I was getting it done—more to distract me from the nerves of “I can’t believe I’m actually doing this” rather than from the pain. (All in all, it really didn’t hurt. Just felt weird.) Now, I have SJEJ tattooed on my left wrist in royal blue ink, the exact size to be perfectly hidden by my watch band.
The other day I told Ashleigh I was considering running away to England again. Again, I’m not sure if knows just how serious I am about the whole thing—but I know that if I really want it, I can ask her to help me make it possible, and Ashleigh is good enough to make sure I get there.  After all, I never thought I would get to stand at the edge of the red carpet for a Harry Potter premiere, or have the guts to get a tattoo.  And I think that marks a great friend.

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